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Carre seedbed cultivators

Search results: 1 ad

1 ad: Carre seedbed cultivators

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€10,000 ≈ $10,890 ≈ NZ$19,060
France, Aurice
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$5,000 ≈ €4,593 ≈ NZ$8,753
Working width 6 m
Ukraine, Ohinki
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€33,330 UAH 1,500,000 ≈ $36,290
Working width 4.5 m Operating depth 45 mm Capacity 2 ha/hour Required tractor power 340 HP
Ukraine, s. Krutki
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$13,000 ≈ €11,940 ≈ NZ$22,760
Working width 11.7 m Operating depth 200 mm Required tractor power 320 HP
Ukraine, Kustivtsi
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$29,000 ≈ €26,640 ≈ NZ$50,760
Working width 11 m Operating depth 150 mm Required tractor power 260 HP
Ukraine, m. Dnipro
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€7,021 ≈ $7,643 ≈ NZ$13,380
Austria, At-3910 Zwettl
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€19,904 ≈ $21,670 ≈ NZ$37,930
Working width 6 m
Austria, At-2100 Korneuburg
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€5,000 ≈ $5,443 ≈ NZ$9,528
Working width 4 m
Germany, 17094 Pragsdorf
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€4,950 ≈ $5,389 ≈ NZ$9,433
Working width 4 m
Germany, Rietberg
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new Bednar Pro PN 9000 seedbed cultivator new Bednar Pro PN 9000 seedbed cultivator new Bednar Pro PN 9000 seedbed cultivator
€32,900 ≈ $35,810 ≈ NZ$62,690
Working width 9 m Required tractor power 220 HP
Germany, Bad Lauterberg / Barbis
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€43,733 ≈ $47,610 ≈ NZ$83,340
Working width 6 m
Germany, De-74214 Schoental-Westernhausen
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€31,000 ≈ $33,750 ≈ NZ$59,070
Working width 6 m Operating depth 20 mm
Ukraine, Lutsk
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€40,000 ≈ $43,540 ≈ NZ$76,220
Working width 8 m Operating depth 150 mm Required tractor power 300 HP
Ukraine, Lutsk
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€41,000 ≈ $44,630 ≈ NZ$78,130
Working width 6 m Operating depth 20 mm Required tractor power 200 HP
Ukraine, Lutsk
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€21,000 ≈ $22,860 ≈ NZ$40,020
Working width 8 m
Ukraine, Bila Tserkva
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€87,500 ≈ $95,250 ≈ NZ$166,700
Working width 6 m
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auction €18.22 SEK 200 ≈ $19.84
Sweden, Karlstad
€59,488 ≈ $64,760 ≈ NZ$113,400
Working width 6 m
Germany, Hamburg
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auction €136.70 SEK 1,500 ≈ $148.80
Working width 5 m
Sweden, Karlstad
auction €603.30 DKK 4,500 ≈ $656.70
Working width 4 m
Denmark, Vinderup
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new Sämaschine mit Hydropack / Agregat uprawowy z hydropakiem seedbed cultivator new Sämaschine mit Hydropack / Agregat uprawowy z hydropakiem seedbed cultivator new Sämaschine mit Hydropack / Agregat uprawowy z hydropakiem seedbed cultivator
€1,764 PLN 7,400 ≈ $1,920
Working width 3 m
Poland, Nądnia
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€14,920 PLN 62,600 ≈ $16,240
Working width 5 m Operating depth 150 mm Required tractor power 180 HP
Poland, Biedrzychowice
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Search results: 1 ad

Prices for Carre seedbed cultivators

Rolmako Компактор U684 PRO Year: 2024, working width: 6 m, operating depth: 20 mm, required tractor power: 200 HP €41,000
Rolmako U 445 Year: 2022, working width: 8 m, operating depth: 150 mm, required tractor power: 300 HP €40,000
Rolmako Компактор U684 Year: 2023, working width: 6 m, operating depth: 20 mm €31,000
Horsch FG-12.3 Year: 2008, working width: 11.7 m, operating depth: 200 mm, required tractor power: 320 HP €11,940
Dal-Bo Multiflex 400 Working width: 4 m €5,000
Kompaktor k600a Year: 2023, working width: 6 m €59,488
Lemken Gigant 800 Year: 1996, working width: 8 m €21,000
Mandam HYBRO 4,0 Striegelegge Year: 2022, working width: 4 m €4,950
Carre PRECICAM Year: 2012 €10,000
Bednar Pro PN 9000 Year: 2023, working width: 9 m, required tractor power: 220 HP €32,900