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Massey Ferguson T56-A20 wheel tractor for sale by auction

Massey Ferguson T56-A20 wheel tractor
Massey Ferguson T56-A20 wheel tractor
Massey Ferguson T56-A20 wheel tractor image 2
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Starting bid:
Net price
DKK 100
≈ $14.04
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Model: T56-A20
First registration: 1956
Location: Denmark Hundested
Auction 1
Execution date: 2025-02-14 14:00
Ending date: 2025-02-24 10:00
Placed on: Jan 31, 2025
Agronetto ID: VE44143
Front loader
Overall dimensions: 4.5 m × 1.8 m × 1.6 m
Fuel: petrol
Number of cylinders: 4
Type: manual
Number of gears: 4
Additional equipment
Condition: used
More details
VIN: TEA4337297

More details — Massey Ferguson T56-A20 wheel tractor

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Seller information
Denne auktion er oprettet af Jesper Brendstrup, på vegne af sælger.
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An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
Extra equipment: Gyro frontlæsser
Asset overall condition: In usable condition, but minor errors may occur
Tires & belts: Ja
Seller / Auction broker: Jesper Brendstrup
Location: JB - 3390 Hundested, Denmark
Gearbox type: 4 trins manuel
Massey Ferguson TEA20
Fra 06.04.1955
Chassis nr. TEA4337297
Starter og kører og har været brugt dagligt
Skulle have starthjælp ved test
Gyro frontlæsser monteret
Følgende papir medfølger
Service og garanti hæfte
Råd og vink for Ferguson ejere
Servicebog nr. 19285
Vejledning for Lucas Elektriske tilbehør på Massey Ferguson Traktor
Massey Ferguson TEA20 er en ikonisk traktor
der blev produceret mellem 1946 og 1956
Massey Ferguson TEA20 (1955)
TEA står for Tractor England
Type A
TEA20 blev produceret på Massey Ferguson-fabrikken i Coventry
Udstyret med en Standard Motor Company 4-cylindret benzinmotor (oftest en 80 mm bore-motor)
Den udviklede cirka 20 hk (deraf "20" i modelnavnet)
Den kørte på ren benzin
i modsætning til nogle modeller som TED20
der kunne køre på petroleum
4-trins manuel gearkasse
En enkel og pålidelig løsning
der var nem at bruge for landmændene
Kompakt og lav
hvilket gjorde den ideel til mindre gårde og til at manøvrere i tætte områder
Den havde et simpelt
funktionelt design
men var stadig robust og holdbar
Ferguson Systemet var en af de vigtigste funktioner på denne traktor
Det var et revolutionerende 3-punkts ophængssystem
der gav bedre kontrol over redskaber og implementer
Bruges ofte til lettere landbrugsopgaver
såsom pløjning
og transport
Meget populær i både Europa og resten af verden på grund af dens pålidelighed
Historisk værdi
TEA20 blev en banebrydende model og er stadig meget værdsat af traktorentusiaster og samlere i dag
Modeller fra 1955 kan især være interessante
fordi de repræsenterer toppen af produktionen
inden der blev skiftet til nyere Massey Ferguson-modeller som FE35
En TEA20 fra 1955
er et fantastisk stykke landbrugshistorie
der stadig kan være praktisk i dag. Mange af disse traktorer bliver restaureret og brugt til veterantræf eller lettere arbejde på hobbygårde
Massey Ferguson TEA20
From 06.04.1955
Chassis no. TEA4337297
Petrol engine
Starts and runs
Required jump-start assistance during testing
Gyro front loader mounted
The following documents are included
Instruction manual
Service and warranty booklet
Tips and advice for Ferguson owners
Service book no. 19285
Guide for Lucas electrical accessories on Massey Ferguson tractors
Massey Ferguson TEA20 is an iconic tractor produced between 1946 and 1956
Massey Ferguson TEA20 (1955)
Model designation
TEA stands for Tractor England
Type A
The TEA20 was manufactured at the Massey Ferguson factory in Coventry
Equipped with a Standard Motor Company 4-cylinder petrol engine (typically an 80 mm bore engine)
Produced approximately 20 horsepower (hence the "20" in the model name)
Runs on pure petrol
unlike some models like the TED20
which could run on paraffin
4-speed manual gearbox
A simple and reliable solution that was easy for farmers to operate
Compact and low-profile
making it ideal for smaller farms and maneuvering in tight spaces
Featured a simple
functional design but remained robust and durable
The Ferguson System was one of the tractor’s most important features
This revolutionary 3-point hitch system provided better control of implements and tools
Commonly used for lighter farming tasks such as plowing
and transportation
Extremely popular in Europe and worldwide due to its reliability
Historical Value
The TEA20 was a groundbreaking model and is still highly valued by tractor enthusiasts and collectors today
Models from 1955 are particularly interesting
as they represent the peak of production before transitioning to newer models like the Massey Ferguson FE35
A TEA20 from 1955 is a remarkable piece of agricultural history that remains practical today. Many of these tractors are restored and used for vintage events or light work on hobby farms
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